
We are experts in these legal areas.

For over 15 years, we have been working with our group of lawyers and consultants, advising individuals and companies on legal matters in Barcelona.

Immigration Law

Documents, residence and work permits, and legal advice.

Relocation Services

Legal documentation, housing search, schools, etc.

Real Estate

Purchase and sale of real estate, homes, seasonal rentals.


We are a legal and service consultancy that provides a wide range of services.


Immigration legal services.
- Residence and work permits
- Digital nomads
- Hiring from abroad: We aim to bridge the gap between Spanish companies and non-EU workers.


Professional or personal geographical mobility services.
- Individuals or professionals coming to settle in Spain for a while can rely on us to assist them in the process, resolving necessary matters to ensure a successful move: rental accommodation, schools, and more.


Real estate advisory services.
- We assist our clients in various real estate transactions: from individuals wanting to buy property in Spain, mainly from outside EUROPE, such as the USA, or within Europe, individuals and families from France, the United Kingdom, or Germany, to professionals from companies or diplomats needing to rent property for a temporary stay in Spain.